Saturday, March 05, 2005


Assertiveness means that you think, express your ideas, opinions and talents. By this you make a difference in the world in your own special way. You are confident about telling the truth about what is just. I practice assertiveness when I tactfully tell people what I really think with a view to bring about good, when I choose not to allow others to lead me into trouble.

Friday, March 04, 2005


Unity is a way of seeing the universe as one. It brings about a sense of harmony. It is build from the shared vision for the common good. I practice unity when I refuse to join in when others express prejudice, when I solve conflicts through listening, when I treat all people as members of global family. I appreciate differences and care for the earth and all living things.

Thursday, March 03, 2005


Generosity is giving and sharing. It is giving not with an idea of receiving anything in return. It is seeing an opportunity to share what you have and then giving just for the joy of giving. I practice generosity when I give fully without holding back, when I am willing to make sacrifices for others, when I use wisdom about sharing treasured belongings.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Humility is not to consider yourself more important than other people. It is to think of others needs are also important. It is to admit mistakes and learn from them. I practice humility when I respect what each person contributes, when I am doing my best just to do it, not to impress anyone, when I am thankful instead of being boastful.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Enthusiasm is being cheerful and happy. It is doing something wholeheartedly with zeal and eagerness – giving 100% to what you do, holding nothing back. It is being excited about something and looking forward to it. I practice Enthusiasm when I think of imaginative ways to get things done. I am open to the wonders in store for me everyday.

Monday, February 28, 2005

To Control the Mind

To control the mind means to be the master of the mind. Controlling thoughts is usually understood as clearing out the mind of all negative and waste thoughts when they do arise. So whenever we have negative thoughts we try hard to transform them into the positive ones. Control of the mind is actually to have mastery over my thoughts, so that I am able to direct them as I wish to. So even in the most negative situations I need to maintain my positivity instead of trying hard to convert negative into positive.