Friday, March 11, 2005

Importance of Change...

To bring about a change within is to bring about a change outside too. When there are challenging situations, the usual way is to react to them and expect them to change because of these reactions. But the only way to change these situations is to bring about a change within the self. When there is the ability to do this, there is the ability to use all the resources for this purpose. When I have the commitment to bring about a change within myself, I am able to be confident and courageous in all situations. There is neither fear nor the desire for things to change according to my wish. I am willing to work on the situation and change the situation.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

To Recognize Inner Treasures...

To recognize inner treasures is to use them well. Time, energy and thoughts are one's greatest treasures. The ones who recognize these treasures are able to look after them carefully and use them for the benefit of all. None of these inner resources are ever wasted. When these treasures are used properly and are put to full use, they bring in the best external treasures too. When I am in touch with myself and give attention to myself, I am able to recognize these inner treasures. These treasures keep me rich at all times, even when external circumstances are not so favourable. Further use of these treasures makes me only richer and richer.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

To Enjoy A Carefree Life...

To enjoy a carefree life, renounce the consciousness of I and mine. The more we surrender our ego, the lighter and easier our life becomes. The consciousness of I and mine either makes us arrogant or weak. It creates a lot of conflicts in relationships and finishes the beauty of life. When we consider everything we have as God's property then our responsibilities become His responsibilities. He fills us with extra specialities and powers to carry out His task no matter however daunting it may seem. When we surrender our will to Him everything happens for the best.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Protecting Our Sense...

Protecting our sense of optimism is the best way to remain cheerful. We can do this by starting the day with meditation to pour light and love into the scenes we are likely to find ahead of us that day. And then if we keep touching base with God’s mind and His benevolent way of seeing things, the inner happiness we experience will help us pass through any situation without feeling weary.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Your Attitude...

Your attitude creates an atmosphere around you. Your attitude is the result of the way you feel and think. You communicate your attitude to all around you. Create a positive attitude, filled with good feelings and even just your presence will do wonders in situations.