Saturday, April 16, 2005

Silence - Daily Positive Thinking Quotes.

Silence is not just an absence of speech, but also to be aware of the quality of thoughts. Keeping the mind focused and occupied positively is an essential aspect of silence. Silence also means being in touch with the stillness inside the self, having profound awareness of just being.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Appreciate Higher Power

When I appreciate the Higher Power, the truth, myself as well as other human beings then, in effect I have made the commitment to transforming my life. Appreciating others, appreciating nature, appreciating my fortune, the blessings of circumstances, the value in the lessons of life (especially those that appear to be painful and of loss) is the result of understanding the secrets of this eternal drama of life. Appreciate what you see now and that becomes an eternal moment; disapprove of it and you kill it. Appreciate each second in this way, and then your life will be filled with unlimited moments of beauty and love.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Appreciation, Acknowledgement & Acceptance.

The opposite of appreciation would be disapproval and depreciation - of the soul! Who has the right to comment on and change the script that has been written for every soul? When I start to question, doubt, criticise, complain and correct, then I am not in full appreciation of the Drama of Life, the Director or the actors. If I appreciate my own efforts, the efforts that other people make and the workings of the natural world, then I will continually have respect. Appreciation, acknowledgement and acceptance validate and empower people and allow them to move ahead with confidence.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Appreciating Value

By appreciating all that is happening within us and around us, in reality this joy takes on the form of a living virtue, of pure character and righteous actions. It does not mean idolizing or pretending that things are different from what they really are, but it means taking the time to see another perspective - the other side of the coin, seeing something of benefit and illuminating oneself.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Appreciation - Positive Quotes.

The word appreciation has many valuable meanings and it is so important to imbibe this virtue. Appreciation can indicate enjoyment and admiration as well as denoting thanks and gratitude. It can signify awareness and understanding of and can express recognition of the value or significance of something. Finally, it means an increase in value. As we embark on a spiritual journey, we begin to appreciate, that is, enjoy life, give thanks to the universe, acquire a full awareness of why things are happening the way they are and with all this experience the soul appreciates i.e. increases its value.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

See Through God’s Eyes...

You have to see through God’s eyes and feel through God’s heart, to appreciate the value of every soul, including yourself. Even if another soul seems a world apart from you, you will be able to find a bridge.