Saturday, September 15, 2007

Check Your Words !

When someone disbelieves me I usually tend to argue back and try to prove my point to the others but find that I am not able to convince them. Yet I find that the more I talk the less I am listened to. And I only end up getting frustrated. When someone challenges the truth of my words, I need to check within myself if there is something that I can correct or learn. When I learn to do this, instead of being stubborn with what I have to say or blaming others, I find it easy to tolerate.

~ Brahma Kumaris, Mt Abu.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Find Positiveness In Other’s Acts !

When someone says something that I don't like, I usually see the other person's negativity and continue to find fault with him. This is usually because I am not able to understand the particular situation. I need to recognize the fact that people in my life are there for a reason and I can learn from everything that happens through my interactions with them. Recognizing this fact will stop me from blaming others and start using each learning for my own personal growth.

~ Brahma Kumaris, Mt Abu.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Keep Out Of Low Phases And Think Positively !

Whenever things don't go the way I want them to, I start thinking negatively and end up feeling low. The more I think negatively the worse I feel. The negativity inside me increases and I spread it around by reacting negatively with other people which in turn gets me depressed. I need to constantly remind myself that thinking is actually feeling. All I need to do is to control my negative thoughts and deliberately induce positive thoughts. This way I will be able to control the way I feel about a situation or a person and keep out of the low phases that I otherwise go through.

~ Brahma Kumaris, Mt Abu.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Have Positive And Good Wishes For Others !

When we come into contact with others, it is easy to see their negativity or weaknesses. Then through our words and attitude, we repeatedly remind them of their weaknesses. So we tend to become a reminder for others for their own negativity. This in turn negatively influences our every interaction with others. Making others aware of their specialities and subtly encouraging them to use these specialities is a great help that we can do for others. When we are able to give this unique help and cooperation, we not only find benefit for others, but we are also able to get the good wishes of others. Even others naturally become positive with our positive attitude.
~ Brahma Kumaris, Mt Abu.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Create A Special Feeling For A Task To Carry It Out Successfully !

Sometimes, while doing even a special task, our consciousness tends to become ordinary because of negative feelings for the self or others. Such thoughts make even a special task into an ordinary one. So what has to be done in a beautiful way is done in a very ordinary way. So there is a tendency to just perform action and finish the task at hand, which does not bring speciality and accuracy as much as it should. We need to understand that as is the consciousness, so is the feeling behind the task, and therefore its quality. When we are able to start each task with a special consciousness, like "I am victorious", or "I am powerful" or "this task is for the benefit of all", we are able to experience the speciality of doing the task. We are also able to increase our state of self-respect, whatever the task or however simple it maybe.

~ Brahma Kumaris, Mt Abu.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Behave Positively With Others !

Sometimes we are caught up with negative feelings like jealousy or hatred towards another person. These feelings naturally create misunderstanding and conflict. Even if the other person has a good feeling while doing something, a negative intention is attributed and this naturally changes one’s own behaviour or response making it negative too. Instead of being caught up with negative feelings, we need to wear the glasses of seeing specialities. Like the one who wears coloured glasses sees everything to be of that particular colour, we too will then see only the specialties in others. This will help us to free our mind of negativity and we will start behaving positively with others too.

~ Brahma Kumaris, Mt Abu.